Lab Guiding Principles


The NYC Lab School Honor Code has been created to ensure that we each contribute to maintaining a safe, supportive and academically rigorous community where trust and respect govern interactions between students, teachers, staff, administration, parents, and our school community neighbors.

As a member of the NYC Lab School, my words & actions will contribute towards maintaining a respectful school community

  • I will be respectful toward all persons within our school building and our school neighborhood.
  • I will oppose all instances of academic dishonesty
  • I will not plagiarize, lie, cheat, bully, steal, or engage in any form of verbal or physical harassment 
  • Should I witness violations to our school Honor Code, I will report these violations and/or use non-violent and conflict-resolution skills to halt them
  • I understand that I am always a representative of the NYC Lab School; as a NYC Lab School representative, I will behave honorably